A b o u t


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Feel free to contact me here or at ellisangel111@gmail.com

I am a lover of words.

I’ve always loved the way marks were made and could create meaning. A simple mark could become a thread that forms words, pictures, meaning, and stories. I was and am continually amazed and in love.

I love to explore the relationship between words and meaning. Through weaving words – in physical weavings or in pictures or stories – I like to ask questions and spin tales. I wonder how we can use words to look at something in a different way or question how we can make a positive mark.

It is through this love of words – this love of questioning – that I find myself.

Experiencing the multitude, as Whitman might say, has provided an interesting toolkit, a reference, to pull from. Growing up in the Ozark mountains, by the slow winding river, I absorbed folktales, gossip, and the slow drawl of words - that drip like honey. I remember those slow days as time itself – there was so much time, it was like time itself stood still. Conversely when I lived in Brooklyn, there was no time, I took in the shear speed of sentences. I learned to love the constant movement, the cut, cut, cut, sewn-up patchwork of the always awake city, with the loud noise, the rank smell, and the visual explosion of text and color. I took in the postmodern, the music and rhythms of the city, the shit talk, the no fucks, the long o’s.

Now I live in the middle space of life where there are deer in the back yard and buses in the front. I have learned you can never go home again. Time will never again stand still. Time is finite. You have to find your own stories; make your own home. So it is, I try to weaving my own stories. Think creatively. Ask how we can change the world with this finite time.

I believe that if you don’t like something, now is the time to change it and change can happen one word at a time.


